Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Hoping for a Miracle!!!!!


Madelein McCann was abducted from her hotel room in Praia Da Luz, Portugal in March of this year (2007). This is every parents nightmare, so please, for this little girls sake, look this picture over and memorize her features. Notice the abnormality in her right eye. This is the mark everyone on the news is drawing our attention to. Her parents are devestated and willing to do anything to get her back, after all, wouldn't you be. Please help. You never know who might see her or where she might be. If you can, you may even want to post the picture to your site so we can give this as much coverage as possible. Copy the pic and put it in your emails, or whatever. I know that whatever you can do will help. Most of all, pray. Its really the only thing besides being vigalant that we can do, and its an awful lot. If all of this sounds corny to you, try and think of how you'd feel. Thanks, in advance, for all that you do.

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