Benjamin Gan started a site, Telecommute Job List, that literally has posted ALL of the jobs in Craigslist. Not just for his community or city, or even for his own state, but nationwide. How cool is that?!!
When I saw the site I was immediately impressed. There are so many jobs listed and guess what? All of them were current.
Today is May 22, 2007 and the job listings started today, May 22, 2007. So many times, people start sites and don't keep them current. Web surfers end up applying to apply to jobs that have been out of the running for days, weeks, and even sometimes months.
Some websites don't even show a listing date, so you wouldn't have a clue as to when the job was posted. So, it is very refreshing to see a website that is not only up to date, but that lists the times of the post.
Another nice feature on this website is the job listing directory on the right hand side of the page. It allows for quick browsing to save on time, and believe me, with all of those job listings, you'll need all the extra time you can get.
If you get the time, stop over and see this site, it'll be well worth your time. That is, of course, only if you need a real telecommute job, and want a great list to choose from.
Nice job Mr. Gan!!!!
When I saw the site I was immediately impressed. There are so many jobs listed and guess what? All of them were current.
Today is May 22, 2007 and the job listings started today, May 22, 2007. So many times, people start sites and don't keep them current. Web surfers end up applying to apply to jobs that have been out of the running for days, weeks, and even sometimes months.
Some websites don't even show a listing date, so you wouldn't have a clue as to when the job was posted. So, it is very refreshing to see a website that is not only up to date, but that lists the times of the post.
Another nice feature on this website is the job listing directory on the right hand side of the page. It allows for quick browsing to save on time, and believe me, with all of those job listings, you'll need all the extra time you can get.
If you get the time, stop over and see this site, it'll be well worth your time. That is, of course, only if you need a real telecommute job, and want a great list to choose from.
Nice job Mr. Gan!!!!
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